Fringe democracy and platformization of the public sphere – Call for Paper ComPol n. 1/2025

Guest editors Giovanni Boccia Artieri (University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy)Axel Bruns (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)Ehsan Dehghan (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)Laura Iannelli (University of Sassari, Italy) Description The contemporary landscape of digital communication is characterized by a complex interplay of public, semi-public, and private spaces (Boccia Artieri et al., 2021). These digital spaces…

International conference POLARIZATION AND BEYOND | Bologna 22-23 February

On February 22nd and 23rd, the international conference “Polarization and Beyond: What Comes Next in Political Communication Research?” will take place in Bologna as the final symposium of the research project (PRIN) “I-POLHYS: Investigating Polarization in Hybrid Media Systems“. The conference aims to disseminate the main results of the I-POLHYS research project by sharing them…

ECPR General Conference 2023

The 2023 ECPR General Conference will be held September 4-8, 2023, at Charles University in Prague. The call for Panel and Paper proposals is open and will close by February 28. We are pleased to invite members to submit proposals for the Political Communication section ( endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Political Communication…