Online ComPol 3/2021 – Covid crisis and political communication

Online il numero 3/2021 della rivista ComPol dedicata al tema Crisi-Covid e comunicazione politica. Il numero, curato da Guido Legnante e Sergio Splendore, ospita i contributi di: Saggi Guido Legnante, Sergio Splendore, Crisi-Covid e comunicazione politica. Un acceleratore di tendenze già in atto? Luigi Rullo, Federica Nunziata, «Sometimes the Crisis Makes the Leader»? A Comparison…

U.S. Presidential election 2020: Biden winning or Trump losing?

In the 2020 United States presidential election held on November 3, Joe Biden and senator Kamala Harris defeated the incumbent President Donald Trump and vice President Mike Pence. The election saw the highest voter turnout since 1900: Biden received more than 81 million votes, the most votes ever cast for a candidate in a U.S.…